The Col · legi d’Infermeres i Infermers Official Barcelona (COIB) as part of its commitment to providing the best service to its more than 38,000 collegiate, has chosen Microsoft Office 365 as the best solution to improve their communications systems. To do this, Softeng hoped to make a migration to cloud email their members.
Having integration with information systems, migration was particularly complex but Softeng was conducted successfully and the timing and expected costs. Already in production, Office 365 has been a great improvement for the College as it had its own infrastructure obsolete Exchange with a high cost of accommodation and maintenance also needed to be renewed. Now, thanks to the cloud, the College benefits from significant savings in IT costs by eliminating maintenance and also has equipped the members who need the email with a modern, safe and effective.
Antoni Torrejón, the Director of Systems and ICT COIB, well said about the project: “The email service which lent to the more than 38,000 collegiate and collegiate had become obsolete and was also very expensive to invest in option. improve costs and was not feasible for us Softeng proposed solution migrate to the cloud with Office 365. Being a complex project and volume integrations had with our management software, conducted Softeng migration and change management efficiency and precision, on time and expected costs and demonstrating why it is a company in Microsoft and Cloud technology. For weeks, collegiate and enjoy excellent messaging service with Office 365 and therefore are very pleased with the result obtained “
About the Col · legi d’Infermeres i Infermers Official Barcelona: It is the institution responsible for protecting corporate representation and its more than 38,000 nurses. It also aims to create social and professional value to the group helping to improve the socio-health and social health care in Catalonia.