
News10 October, 20132 min de lectura

Microsoft and Softeng finance you: Buy now and start paying in March 2014

If your company is looking for ways to improve their technology and has no budget, Now is the time to do with the promotion of flexible payment offer you Microsoft and Softeng.

This initiative gives our customers the opportunity to obtain now the IT solution you need and pay in installments with a credit of up to 60 months, costs of incorporation, with a lack of three months and an interest so attractive that will surprise you.

Moreover, for all projects related to the deployment of cloud solutions (Office 365, Azure and Portal Builder), Softeng additional two months will offer no cost financing.

With this offer you can

  • Improve your competitiveness without waiting: Eliminates delays caused by budget problems and gives your business the tools you need today.
  • Flexible Pay: After the lack of payment, investment in the project is spread over the remainder of the financing agreement, to choose between 12 and 60 months.
  • Funding everything you need: For the project we can finance both Microsoft licenses, licenses required by other manufacturers, Softeng services and if you still have doubts with the cloud … even hardware ?

This joint offering from Microsoft and Softeng this force until next December 31, 2013 and is subject to credit approval by Microsoft.

Want to be one of the first to take advantage of this offer?


Do want!