The event held at Microsoft offices on 4 December and trying on Productivity, Innovation and cost reduction with cloud solutions, has completed a very successful and responsible attendance and participation of business decision makers, IT managers marketing medium and large companies in various sectors.
Specialists in the areas of Cloud Computing and Microsoft Softeng, spoke to us about the benefits that cloud solutions from Microsoft and provide Softeng companies combining and properly using Office 365, Azure and Portal Builder.
Attendees were treated to demos practical and real examples of successful clients.
Carlos Colell, CEO of Softeng, talked about new ways to be more competitive thanks to the cloud and how it helps to eliminate problems typical of our companies. He also explained the role of the cloud in the new digital era: Big data, social and mobility
Jordi Fernández, Manager of Cloud Solutions Softeng said the best strategies for moving medium and large enterprises to the cloud, how to deploy Office 365 in these and optimal scenarios for moving to the cloud servers.
Ramón Masuet, Iker and David Diaz Rangel, all specialists in Office 365, showed us the experience of a social intranet with SharePoint and Yammer actual examples of how to improve productivity with Office 365.
Inma Squeegee, partner-director of Ibon Softeng and Uria, product engineer and consultant, showed us how it is possible to generate business managing a site with Portal Builder and dramatic savings offered by avoiding investment in search engine positioning with paid advertisements.
Ester Nicolas, Office 365 Product Manager of Microsoft, talked about the most important features of the new Office 365.
During his presentation he showed us how to work with BI Power, the new business intelligence tool for Office 365 and how to obtain, with natural language information that we need.
We also have the collaboration of Xavier Hernanz, Consulting Services Manager Innovation Center at Microsoft productivity (MIC Productivity), which we talk about the economic impact by adopting Office 365 and how to calculate your savings.
The event ended with a round table in which specialists and Microsoft Softeng answered all questions posed by attendees.
Finally, thanks to the help of our sponsors and Plantronics Nokia Spain, Nokia Lumia raffle a Plantronics and various devices.
And here’s the whole team Softeng professionals who participated in the event:
Nothing else, just announce that due to the success of the event because many companies were unable to attend, we are already preparing the next. We will be announcing date!