At the beginning of March we celebrated in Barcelona and Madrid a new edition of our event “How to accelerate the digital transformation of your company”, this year focused on all security and compliance news and discovering the new modern workplace with Microsoft 365.
In this new edition held in Barcelona at the Auditorium of La Pedrera and in Madrid at the Microsoft offices, more than 250 attendees had the opportunity to comprehensively discover not only how Microsoft’s cloud stimulates digital transformation, but how companies they can benefit from it and grow, collaborating and working in a safe way, protecting their confidential information and complying with the regulations.
Welcome and opening
The day began with the talk of Microsoft executives, in Barcelona Santi Oller, Director of business development at Microsoft and in Madrid, Cristina Lanzagorta, Director of partners of the company. In their welcome speech, they highlighted Softeng as one of the main partners with more knowledge and experience in solutions in the cloud. Then, we leave you a part of the talk that Cristina made, in which she talks about Softeng:
“Softeng is a partner who for many years has had a strategy and a clear focus, are 100% Cloud. And this clearly in his strategy has enabled them to develop offers high added value and differentiate themselves in the market. Throughout this trajectory, for this clarity in the strategy and for its excellence endowment, we recognize Softeng as one of the leading partners in digital transformation , experts in key aspects such as the modernization of the workplace, collaboration environments, security in the Cloud and migration and modernization to the Cloud, let me tell you that at Microsoft we annually recognize our partners that do the best, with a series of awards and Softeng has been winning the award for best cloud service partner for 3 consecutive years. “
The great asset of Softeng
To end his talk, Cristina wanted to highlight ” Softeng has been and continues to be a pioneer in developing Cloud solutions, as is the great asset of its CSP portal in the cloud, this is key because in a moment of opening up to the cloud, it allows customers have a total transparency, visibility and control of how they are using the cloud, being able at all times to make decisions that allow them to optimize both the management of licenses and the management of services. “
Before a recognition like this, we can not but give infinite thanks to Cristina for her words!
Next, we leave you a summary with the key aspects of the presentations:
Presentation 1: The challenge of accelerating the digital transformation of your company, increasing security and complying with the new legal regulations
Carlos and Imma, spoke to us about how we can be more protected and also do it in a modern environment where it is easier to collaborate with colleagues with total security and complying with legal regulations. All with the aim of helping us accelerate the digital transformation.
Imma pointed out that this new scenario implies a series of changes for companies; a transformation must be carried out not only at a digital and technological level but also in the way in which we work. What changes are we talking about?
Moving from a traditional environment, where we have all the infrastructure at home, to a hybrid environment where part of the infrastructure is in the cloud and another part continues to be on-premise.
- Users go from working individually to collaborating (with colleagues, customers, partners …). This implies that they need mobility, being able to connect from anywhere and on any device.
These changes in the way of working imply changes in the approach to security, because in modern environments, companies must not only secure their infrastructure, but new vulnerable surfaces appear where we can be attacked and these are: Identity, devices, apps and data and Infrastructure.
Imma Rasero, Partner & Customer Advisor and Carlos Colell, CEO of SOFTENG
The high cost of a security breach
Imma told us about cyber threats in numbers, highlighting that the cost of an SME security breach is € 100,000 and Carlos delved into this issue, telling us about the high cost of a security breach for companies, pointing out that this economic impact is superior to what it would have cost to avoid the breach.
Carlos then spoke about how a well-protected company would be focusing on the innovations incorporated by Microsoft that were later shown by Softeng’s security specialists.
Carlos later spoke to us about the challenges faced by companies to advance in the cloud and gave way to Imma who told us about the solution to face these challenges, and this is: our Portal Softeng CSP that offers companies:
- Control and optimization of costs.
- Productivity for its management.
- Improve the security of your company.
- Boosts adoption
To conclude, Carlos said that both in the next presentation and in the demos that would come after the attendees would discover how Microsoft 365 is the solution to land everything discussed in this paper.
Lecture 2: A modern and safe workplace for employees to give their best: Discover what’s new with Microsoft 365!
This presentation was led by Miguel Angel Cervera, Head of the Modern Workplace business unit in Spain.
In it, he told us about Microsoft’s commitment to offer a single, secure and intelligent collaboration platform designed to cover the needs of all companies, Microsoft 365.
Microsoft 365 was born to encompass and simplify in a single product the modernization of the workplace of companies, including tools for collaboration, security and legal compliance, analysis and intelligence.
Miguel Angel told us about the 4 pillars on which Microsoft 365 pivots:
- Security: Extends identity and protection against threats to help stop attacks with integrated and automated security.
- Compliance: Gather information protection and advanced compliance capabilities to protect and govern data while reducing risk.
- Unified Communications: To be able to extend, duplicate or redirect the entire communications infrastructure of the company to the cloud, extending it also with the integration to Microsoft Teams.
- Data visualization: Adds Power BI capabilities that help your clients obtain significant business value from their data, also taking advantage of the PowerApps platform.
Demo Collaboration: Discover the new modern workplace with Microsoft 365 and boost your productivity to a higher level
We started the demo part with the session of ourexperts in productivity and collaboration.In it, they told us about the new modern job and showed us how thanks to it we can be more productive. Ramon began by commenting to the audience that the way of working is changing and companies must be able to respond to new needs. To help us offer the new job we have Microsoft 365 that boosts the creativity of users and encourages teamwork, all in a simple and above all very safe.
The demo started with Microsoft’s flagship product for the usual collaboration, Microsoft Teams. Claudia showed us how to work with Teams, as a Microsoft 365 service hub based on chat. Claudia showed us the equipment and channels to organize the information, as well as the wide list of Microsoft services that can be integrated into Teams and even third party services.
Attendees could see live how easy it is to organize and hold a live meeting from a channel, assemble a corporate space from templates or work with Power BI dashboards, the Microsoft Business Intelligence tool, and all of it without leaving Teams. We even saw how you can work intelligently with Bots and we were able to check the potential of PowerApps by showing us a simple mobile application connected to company data
Claudia Casas and Ramon Masuet, experts in productivity of SOFTENG
Demo Security: Discover the difference ….. between a protected company and another that is not
The security demo was led by Jordi Fernández, David Rangel and Álex Imbernon, all of them security experts from Softeng.
During the session they showed a company without security, with obsolete operating systems, unmanaged computers, in which Outlook was their only tool and collaboration and that, in addition, had file servers in which the control of the data was lost once they came out through emails or other means. In this scenario, they simulated a phishing attack and the assistants were able to verify the very serious impact on the entire company.
The next scenario was the same company, but protected with Microsoft 365, in this case simulated the same attack and attendees could see how thanks to the security services of the platform, the company had all vulnerable attack surfaces perfectly protected . They showed how conditional access worked to validate your identity, Office 365 ATP to detect phishing attacks, Azure Active Directory (AD) , Microsoft Defender ATP , Azure Information Protection , Intune , security from Teams and many more solutions and services that guarantee the security of the company.
Jordi Fernández, David Rangel and Alex Imbernon, security experts at SOFTENG
If you want to know in detail each of the security tools that were shown at the event, we invite you to visit our blog where you will find articles of each of the products.
Demo Legal compliance: Discover how Microsoft 365 helps you comply with the new and demanding legal regulations
In the last demo of the conference, Marc and Miquel showed us how compliance management is much simpler and simpler with Microsoft 365 solutions. Marc said that in the last edition they showed us how Microsoft’s security and compliance tools 365 helped to comply, this year also demonstrate that not only help to pass the 4 phases (Detect, Manage, protect and inform), but also helps to track compliance.
After that introduction, they started the demo in which they showed us how tools such as Microsoft Teams, help to track and analyze the compliance status through the Power BI panel and even use artificial intelligence to create a bot that helps manage the requests. They also showed us the extensive control over the information we have thanks to the information protection tools of Microsoft 365.
Finally, Marc showed the attendees that Softeng customers have it easier to track their compliance as well as having all the Microsoft compliance tools, within their CSP portal with which they manage their subscriptions. , Softeng has developed a consultant that helps them assess safety and with recommendations that facilitate their compliance process.
Marc Jordana and Miquel Castelló, experts in compliance and security of SOFTENG
Final brooch
To end the day, attendees had the opportunity to participate in a round table with our experts in security, productivity, compliance, as well as with our legal experts. In it they were able to solve all their doubts and later, enjoy a buffet lunch in which they could do networking with the rest of the guests and exchange doubts and experience with specialists from both Microsoft and Softeng.
Thanks to all the presents! both because of their participation and because of the great results that we have obtained in the surveys, because they encourage us to continue working and striving to offer the best service and quality.
For all those people who were unable to attend due to lack of places and for all those who want to know the latest news of Microsoft Cloud solutions, we will announce the dates of the next edition soon!
And for those of you who have stayed with the desire to know more, we invite you to contact us to discover how we can help you protect your company. Do you want to know more?