Post28 March, 20142 min de lectura

How to prevent leaks of sensitive information with the help of Office 365 – Part II (IRM)

Proteger archivos importantes desde Office - Parte II (IRM)

Protecting sensitive documents from Microsoft Office

As we explained a few days ago, IRM is a tool that encrypts and protects sensitive information from unauthorized access.

In today’s episode we’ll talk about how IRM with Microsoft Office, helps businesses and users of these, to meet two basic needs:

  • Restrict permission to confidential information: IRM helps prevent unauthorized access and no permitted use of confidential information.
  • Integrity, control and information privacy: Employees of a company often work with confidential information. Using IRM, employees do not depend on the discretion of others to ensure that confidential material remains within the company because it eliminates the possibility of users from forwarding, copying or printing confidential information.

Proteger archivos importantes desde Office - Parte II (IRM)

In applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint you can use rights management to restrict access to documents to Office 365 users in your organization.

These are some of the options available protection for documents:

  • Avoid the possibility that users can print, make a screenshot, copy or modify a document, workbook, or presentation
  • Prevent people outside the company can open the document, workbook, or presentation, even if they do physically.
  • Set an expiration date for permits. After beating the time, users can not access the document, workbook, or presentation
  • Set a default setting for documents with restricted permission.
  • Allow users with assigned permission requesting additional permission options.
  • Require users to authenticate to access the document.

In the next article I will talk about how IRM protected emails sent to users of our organization.

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