Improved security in your company with Office 365 and SharePoint Online

Data Loss Prevention finally comes to SharePoint Online

A few months ago I talked about how to improve security in your business thanks to the function of “data loss prevention” (DLP) incorporated in Office 365. To date, DLP only applied to Exchange Online (you can see the article here ) and now we are pleased to announce their integration with SharePoint Online.

With this new capability in & nbsp; & nbsp ;, SharePoint if you’re an authorized administrator can:

  • Buscar la información sensible de una manera rápida y sencilla
  • Obtener partido de tipos de datos confidenciales pre-configurados (Tarjetas de crédito, números de pasaportes, números de seguridad social y así hasta 51 tipos más)
  • Identificar documentos que no cumplen las normativas, exportar informes y actuar en consecuencia.

1-Búsqueda de información sensible
A través de eDiscovery, el buscador centralizado de sitios de SharePoint Online,  podrás hacer búsquedas a partir de consultas simples o complejas que te ayudarán a encontrar la información que quieres en tiempo real, incluyendo las carpetas de OneDrive for Business.

Data Loss Prevention por fin llega a SharePoint Online

2-Tipos de datos confidenciales integrados
Office 365 y DLP identifican actualmente 51 tipos de datos de segmentos y geografías de la industria. Tipos de datos como por ejemplo, tarjetas de crédito, CIF, números de seguridad social, números de cuentas bancarias, fáciles de localizar a través de sencillas consultas en eDiscovery.

3-Identificación de documentos que incumplen normativas
Desde eDiscovery podrás buscar y revisar los documentos de SharePoint que incumplen las normativas, exportar y guardar listas e informes para su posterior revisión o tomar acciones manuales como ajustar permisos de uso compartido.

Data Loss Prevention por fin llega a SharePoint Online

Estas nuevas capacidades te permiten tener una mayor control sobre qué y dónde se encuentra tu información sensible y ayudándote a establecer criterios y normativas con los propietarios de los contenidos.

Además de esta gran novedad Microsoft ha anunciado que está trabajando en nuevas capacidades que introducirán a finales de año  y que permitirán crear políticas para detectar automáticamente el contenido sensible y aplicar la protección basada en las necesidades de tu empresa.

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Preventing leaks of sensitive information with the help of Office 365 -Part III (IRM)

Proteger correos electrónicos desde Microsoft Office y IRM Protects emails sent to users of our organization.

As we explained to you a few days ago, MRI is a tool that encrypts and protects sensitive information from unauthorized access.

In this third chapter discusses how you can protect & nbsp; email sent to users in your organization. & Nbsp;

Employees use email to exchange sensitive information such as financial reports and data, legal contracts, confidential product information and data about customers and employees. As a result, mailboxes can become repositories of confidential information leakage can become a serious threat to your organization.

Your business managers can protect Exchange Online information output via e-mail (including attachments), preventing the contents from leaking outside the boundaries of the organization.

For example:

  • Prevent a recipient can perform some of these functions: access, forward, copy, modify, print, fax, print screen or cut and paste the contents of an email.

  • Create rules for protection and automatic encryption for emails that meet certain conditions of business (sent by someone determined, someone determined, with certain texts, etc, etc).


Once the system is activated

The options available to users will encrypt an email are:

  • Unrestricted Access (default): E unencrypted.
  • Not Forward: Recipients can read this message, but can not forward, print or copy the content. The owner of the conversation has full permission to your message and all the answers it.
  • Confidential: The information recorded content is intended only to internal users. You can change but you can not copy and print.
  • Confidential, see only: The content is only recorded information for internal users. You can not modify.

Proteger correos electrónicos desde Microsoft Office y IRM

And what happens in the receiver?

When employees send an encrypted message (ie, protected by IRM), the attachments receive the same protection as the message (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, as well as .xps files format).

Proteger correos electrónicos desde Microsoft Office y IRM When the recipient opens the mail with permits, will show a message in the message header indicating the restrictions of the message.

In this picture you can sense that there is a message in the header of the email, but as one of the constraints of IRM is precisely the screenshots, I show you a picture taken with mobile. Yes, I know, not what you can read, but that’s the point;)

The next article will discuss MRI one of the latest new features of IRM in Exchange Online, Send secure encryption to our organization to external users post.

Do not miss it !!

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Copilot en las aplicaciones de Office 365

News coming in Office 365 and Outlook Web App

La evolución del correo electrónico en Office 365 Microsoft has released 3 new features Outlook Web App in Office 365, which will help you be more productive with your email, be more efficient sharing documents with people outside your organization and collaborate more efficiently with colleagues.

Helping you prioritize your email
At the end of the day we received a large volume of emails that fill our inbox messages with different degrees of relevance. Manage this “disorder” mailbox rule setting, requires time usually do not have. For this reason, Microsoft offers a new feature that will help us organize this “disorder” allowing us to set priorities in the emails.

“Clutter” is the name Microsoft has given this functionality. The system learns the patterns of user behavior to know what kind of messages are most important. We just have to check off the ones that are most important and which not, after a while Outlook will learn our behavior from future messages and deliver them in the proper order and in different views.

La evolución del correo electrónico en Office 365

Share files by mail without attach
Outlook Web App includes integration with OneDrive Enterprise, which enables you to easily share your files stored in the cloud.

When sending a new email you can choose to automatically load the file from OneDrive or send it as a link. Also, you have the option to set permissions to the document that you are sending from email.

La evolución del correo electrónico en Office 365

The recipient of the email can edit the document received coauthored in real time (several users at a time) and respond to email with just one click. In addition, the file will be opened in edit mode in Office Online screen along with a response to the original conversation so you can easily answer the mail.

La evolución del correo electrónico en Office 365

Work to established groups from other applications
Microsoft has also added functionality “Groups” of Yammer in Outlook Web Apps, a collaborative tool that will allow all members of a company and work together more closely. Also, gradually these groups will be accessible from all Office 365 applications.

Microsoft has not given a concrete release date for these improvements, but it seems to be operational in the coming months. We will inform you when we know exact dates!

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If you already have Office 365, learn how to activate Office on your iPad

Cómo activar Office 365 en iPad If you are an iPad user who already has a subscription to Office 365 now you can work with your Office applications from your Apple device.

Word version for iPad is compatible with all files that can be opened in the Windows version and adapted to the screen of your iPad.

For the version of Excel comes with a ready for iPad allows viewing and editing information in a much clearer interface. Finally, to create and edit PowerPoint presentations and even simulating a laser to create emphasis or highlighting things when you tap the iPad screen pointer.

However, to be able to work with your new applications must have a subscription of Office 365 include Office as we explain below:

For each application, just open a document and click the Activate appears on the top yellow bar and then enter your login credentials to Office 365:

Cómo activar Office 365 en iPad

After activation you will have full access to all features of the suite such as view, print, create and edit documents.

Show Microsoft tutorial videos in which we show how to activate Office 365 and how to work with Word, Excel and PowerPoint from your iPad

View Videos

If you could not change your applications, it is possible that your subscription does not include Office.

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New capabilities of Office 365 to prevent information leaks and improve security in your company

Mejoras en el servicio DLP para Exchange Online

Now available the new capabilities of Office 365 in their system of “data loss prevention” (DLP).

This functionality built into Exchange Online, allows companies to apply policies to the content of the messages to stop accidental or malicious leaks of information such as financial data, intellectual property, customers or trade secrets.

News of which I will talk about are: “Document Fingerprints” and “Policy Suggestions in Outlook Web”.

    Fingerprints on documents
    This new feature allows customers to define patterns of information as a template and prevent sensitive documents that match those patterns are sent through e-mail.

In the same way that a fingerprint has a unique pattern, the documents contain formatting patterns or unique words that differ from the rest. For example, a company that frequently used forms containing a format or unique words, you can create a fingerprint on the document to identify when users are sending that document and implement DLP policies to control the spread.

Mejoras en el servicio DLP para Exchange Online

A template based on the type of document that is used to detect documents that meet the same pattern is created

Fingerprints can be created for an entire document or part of the content.


DLP Policy Suggestions in Outlook Web App
This feature is designed to notify users of your company who are sending sensitive information via email.

Through suggestions Policy, administrators can create your company’s brief notes that will be shown at the time that the sender of the message may be in violation of the policy and before it can be sent.

Mejora la seguridad en tu empresa con Office 365


Moreover, from now, these tips are also available from Outlook Web App (OWA) and from your devices.

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Microsoft offers free full edition of Office for Ipad users of Office 365

Microsoft lanza Office para Ipad

If you are an iPad user who already has a subscription to Office 365 staff or your business, you’re in luck!

As you know, Microsoft introduced Office for iPad last Thursday and the products of the Microsoft Office Suite Word, Excel and Power Point, are now available in the Apple App Store.

Applications are free to users who just want to read documents and view presentations, but for users who need to create, edit, or perform more advanced functions, you need a subscription to Office 365 by type of user (home, student or business).

Microsoft lanza Office para Ipad

Microsoft also announced integration with Office for iPad OneDrive, allowing access files very easily and store the changes in the cloud to be accessible at any time from any computer.

So far, the office suite has been available with limited features for iOS (iPhone) and Android phones. Although currently there is nothing official, it is likely that the company is working on launching a version for Android tablets.

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How to prevent leaks of sensitive information with the help of Office 365 – Part II (IRM)

Proteger archivos importantes desde Office - Parte II (IRM)

Protecting sensitive documents from Microsoft Office

As we explained a few days ago, IRM is a tool that encrypts and protects sensitive information from unauthorized access.

In today’s episode we’ll talk about how IRM with Microsoft Office, helps businesses and users of these, to meet two basic needs:

  • Restrict permission to confidential information: IRM helps prevent unauthorized access and no permitted use of confidential information.
  • Integrity, control and information privacy: Employees of a company often work with confidential information. Using IRM, employees do not depend on the discretion of others to ensure that confidential material remains within the company because it eliminates the possibility of users from forwarding, copying or printing confidential information.

Proteger archivos importantes desde Office - Parte II (IRM)

In applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint you can use rights management to restrict access to documents to Office 365 users in your organization.

These are some of the options available protection for documents:

  • Avoid the possibility that users can print, make a screenshot, copy or modify a document, workbook, or presentation
  • Prevent people outside the company can open the document, workbook, or presentation, even if they do physically.
  • Set an expiration date for permits. After beating the time, users can not access the document, workbook, or presentation
  • Set a default setting for documents with restricted permission.
  • Allow users with assigned permission requesting additional permission options.
  • Require users to authenticate to access the document.

In the next article I will talk about how IRM protected emails sent to users of our organization.

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Preventing leaks of sensitive information with the help of Office 365 – Part I (IRM)

Cómo evitar fugas de información sensible con la ayuda de Office 365 - Parte I (IRM)

Data leakage occurs when confidential or sensitive information of a company out of it by employees (deliberately or accidentally way).

Information (files and emails) is one of the most valuable assets for companies and its protection is one of their biggest concerns. For this reason Microsoft has incorporated into Office 365 Information Rights Management (IRM)

What is MRI?

MRI is a tool that encrypts and protects sensitive information from unauthorized access. IRM helps your company to control who can access, forward, print or copy sensitive information via Exchange Online (e-mail) from SharePoint Online (documents) or just from other Office applications.

Here are some options to protect access to information:

  • Protection against reading, copying and modification
  • Protection against making screenshots
  • Protection from printing documents
  • Protection against downloading files
  • Protection of sensitive emails
  • Registration information access

How IRM in Office 365?

Cómo evitar fugas de información sensible con la ayuda de Office 365 - Parte I (IRM) IRM is available in the Office 365 Plan E3 and an optional subscription for other plans. Broadly speaking we can say that integration in Office 365 protects your confidential information, ensures continuous protection and improvement of the management and control of your information

These points are listed below IRM functionality that allows us to seamlessly with Office products 365. In the next post we will talk in depth about each of them:

1- Protect important files from Office

authorized to restrict access to your most important files through Word, Excel and PowerPoint users is allowed. For example:

  • Prevent people outside the company can open the document, although physically have.
  • Avoid the possibility that employees of our organization to print, make a screenshot of a document, copy or modify it.
  • Set expiration dates for a document, from which no one can reuse.

2- Protecting emails sent to users of our organization

Administrators can protect the output of information via email, preventing the contents from leaking outside the boundaries of the organization. For example:

  • Prevent a recipient can perform some of these functions: forward, copy, modify, print, fax, print screen or cut and paste the contents of an email.
  • Create rules for protection and automatic encryption for emails that meet certain conditions of business (sent by someone determined, someone determined, with certain texts, etc, etc).

3- Send secure email to external users of our organization

With IRM, you have the ability to send emails to users outside your company, encrypting and securing data that can only be read by the addressee.

4- Protect documents stored in SharePoint

IRM can be configured to automatically protect certain files stored in SharePoint libraries. When enabled, the files are encrypted so that only authorized people can view them or make them the predefined actions. For example:

  • Prevent people outside the company can open the document, although physically have.
  • Avoid the possibility that employees of our organization to print, make a screenshot of a document, copy or modify it.
  • Limit the type of files that can be loaded in the library

In conclusion, MRI allows greater control over the information, resulting in a protection so that it helps to prevent the leakage of knowledge. That is why it is highly recommended for use in companies that invest in innovation and / or have the need to protect sensitive files and e-mails.

E3 If you have a subscription, you will require a specialist to help you implement it but once in place, can take advantage of a very simple way with the help of the next post.

Do not miss it !!


Power BI: Consultation and transforms your data with Power Query

Power Query

Power Tool BI Business Intelligence (BI) incorporating productivity suite Office 365 and allows us to automate the processes of generation of analytical information.

Power BI includes a collection of features that allow you to visualize data, share discovery and participate in new and intuitive ways of collaboration: Power Query, Power Map, Power Pivot and Power View.

This post is the first in a series of articles that discuss each complements BI Power.

Power Query

It is one of Excel add-ins provided as part of the Power BI tool, it is an ETL tool (stands for Extract, Transform and Load) integrated into Excel to search, transform and combine data from a variety of sources ( both companies, as public data sources online) and with an intuitive and interactive interface.

Power Query

With Power Query Tea

  • Data search and connect through a wide variety of sources.
  • Online conduct searches of a large collection of public data sources, including tables of Wikipedia, a subset of Windows Azure Marketplace, and a subset of
  • Combine data from several sources and sort for further analysis with tools such as Power Pivot, or for viewing tools such as Power View and Power Map.
  • Along with Power View functionality, you can share and manage queries created, and search data within your organization.

Data Sources Power Query

The functionality allows you to enter data into Excel from virtually any type of data sources listed below:

  • From the web
  • From a file – Excel, CSV, XML, text, or a folder that contains files with metadata and links
  • From a database – SQL Server, SQL Azure, Access, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase and Teradata
  • Data from other sources – List of SharePoint, OData source, Windows Azure Marketplace, Hadoop Distributed File System – HDFS, Windows Azure Blob storage, Windows Azure Table storage, Active Directory, Exchange and Facebook.


Want to know more about how BI can help Power?


The latest developments in Office 365

Office365Crecimiento.png In this post we collect the improvements that Microsoft has launched its suite of cloud productivity, Office 365.

Increased load limit SharePoint files, which makes it easier to share large files, recover document versions and new collaboration capabilities with SkyDrive Pro Yammer and SharePoint, are some of the innovations that we discuss below, click on the links if you want more information about them:

Delegate Access now available in Outlook Web App : Now it is possible to set up an account for someone else to manage your calendar and email on your behalf.

Various improvements in capacity and restore SharePoint Online: This update includes increasing the file upload limit to 2 GB (above 250 Mb), increasing to 10,000 sites per account, improvements in the automatic restoration of documents from the trash recycling (with a limit of 90 days) and improved versioning of documents in libraries SkyDrive Pro

Set Yammer conversations from documents stored in SharePoint Online : With the new Yammer Post feature, you can easily start a conversation from documents stored on SkyDrive and SharePoint Pro Online.

Managing notifications with Exchange Online Spam Protection : Your business managers now have more options to manage spam and create policies more effective spam.

Improving PowerMap for Excel 2013 : PowerMap is a new 3D visualization in addition to Excel that allows you to map, explore and interact with geographic data from the worksheet.

Upgrading OneNote for iPhone and iPad : Ipad users can create a new OneNote notebook. The application has been enhanced to occupy a smaller size devices and improved Japanese writing.

OneNote shortcut in the start menu of Windows Phone : With the new update you can configure OneNote to access it from the home screen of your Windows Phone.

OneNote for Android more international markets : Now you can download OneNote for Android in 60 new countries.

These updates may take a while to appear in your Office 365 account as some are being deployed these days.

Do not you know the benefits of Office 365?

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