DATA & AI27 March, 2024 min de lectura

3 cultural shifts an IT leader must drive in the age of AI

The hype around generative artificial intelligence has created so many expectations that many business leaders want to implement it quickly in their organizations. However, it is paramount to first understand that to have the best results, a much deeper transformation based on simplification, data and cybersecurity is necessary.

Business leaders have a clear objective: to keep their organizations competitive. And to that end, many believe that early adoption of generative artificial intelligence is essential.

While this is true, it is not enough. To implement generative AI effectively, they must go much further, seeking to transform the mindset and way of working at all levels of the organization.

At Softeng, based on the experience with our customers and the knowhow of our experts, we have identified the 3 essential cultural shifts that IT leaders must prioritize to be ready and able to take full advantage of AI’s potential to keep their organizations competitive.

Culture of simplification

Digital innovation is advancing at an accelerated pace, and today it is more important than ever to have the necessary agility to avoid being left behind. However, in many companies there is a pervasive complexity at all levels, from their processes and organizational structure to the tools and solutions they use on a daily basis. And complexity is the antonym of competitiveness.

Therefore, business leaders are challenged to promote a culture of simplification that will enable their organizations to become more agile, efficient and innovative.

In IT, this cultural change starts with the technological foundations, i.e. the infrastructure.

The first challenge for technology leaders is to continue migrating their infrastructure to the cloud, which is also an essential pillar for adopting and making the most of artificial intelligence.

There are still some companies that have not fully migrated their infrastructure to the cloud for various reasons. For those in this situation, the smart thing to do is to continue with a hybrid transition that allows them to have the balance they need to embrace innovation, maintaining critical on-premise operations while gradually moving workloads to the cloud, as needs and priorities dictate.

However, the cloud can also generate that complexity that prevents us from moving forward, usually generated in fragmented multicloud environments that have solutions from different providers disconnected from each other.

As a result, many IT leaders are already betting on simplify your cloud environments by choosing a single vendor with integrated solutionsMicrosoft, which allows them to modernize, protect and govern their infrastructure, apps and data in the cloudThe company’s cloud and artificial intelligence capabilities can be fully leveraged from a single location.

Data culture

Today, making decisions without taking data into account is like going out to sea relying only on experience and wind direction. It can be done, but it has its limitations and can lead to extremely costly mistakes.

Data-driven organizations are those that derive value from their data to make faster, more informed decisions, improve operational efficiency, identify market opportunities and accelerate innovation. In addition, data is vitally important in the age of AI.

However, to get the most out of the data it is essential that it is orderly and accessible to everyone within the organization. From IT, the most effective strategy is to upload data to the cloud and use platforms, such as Microsoft Fabric, that make it easier to sort, transform and make decisions through data.

Cybersecurity culture

In a context where the increase in ransomware attacks continues to grow, along with other increasingly sophisticated and dangerous AI-powered cyberattacks, business leaders must promote a culture of awareness of the importance of cybersecurity.

At the highest levels, this will make them aware of the importance of investing in the right cybersecurity solutions before it’s too late, as a modern cyberSOC powered by AI capable of detecting and responding to incidents faster, improving accuracy and minimizing the effects of potential cyber-attacks.

In the rest of the organization, the human factor is often the weakest link in cybersecurity. You can have all the security measures in place, but a simple click from one of the people in your company on a malicious email could be chaotic. Therefore, it is essential that each member is aware of the most common cyber-attacks, adopts safe practices in the use of technology and recognizes that security is everyone’s responsibility.

In Softeng, we accompany companies with ambition to accelerate their digitization, get the most out of their data and protect their business assets, so that they are able to take advantage of the full potential of generative artificial intelligence.

Shall we move forward together?