Architecture design
of applications

Diseño de la arquitectura de aplicaciones
Diseño de la arquitectura de aplicaciones

Ensure that your applications operate on the basis of compliance, security and governance

We accompany you with our team of elite Azure expert engineers (Azure Expert MSP), in the design of the architecture of highly reliable and scalable critical workload applications in the cloud.

All this, solving with efficiency and agility all operational and availability problems that may arise with our team of experts.


Strengthens reliability with resilient workloads to ensure application availability

Enables a secure architecture with confidentiality, integrity and availability guarantees.

Ensures performance efficiency to scale as needed and automates processes to reduce human error

< 30

days of deployment of any solution


cases solved without escalating to Microsoft

< 1%

average turnover of our team of experts

8 expectativas del CIO sobre su partner tecnológico


¿Por qué elegir a Softeng?

Contamos con más de 12 años de experiencia en la nube de Microsoft que nos avalan como el aliado especialista en maximizar su poder, invirtiendo más de 2 millones de euros al año en I+D para ofrecerte soluciones propias, con el fin de que avances con seguridad en tus objetivos de negocio.