Virtual Assistants
AI Chatbots

Respond quickly to the needs of your customers and employees

We accompany you through the entire lifecycle of creating sophisticated chatbots and virtual assistants, powered by artificial intelligence, to optimize conversational processes, improve the experience of your customers and employees, and solve the slowness of human chains.

All of this is aimed at achieving greater efficiency, obtaining more information and allowing business teams to focus on higher value processes.


Empowers teams to incorporate intelligent chatbots into data-connected business processes in a centralized, secure and scalable manner

Drives digital innovation to maximize customer and employee engagement and optimize business processes

Measure impact in real time and get valuable information from users to turn into business insights

< 30

days of deployment of any solution


cases solved without escalating to Microsoft

< 1%

average turnover of our team of experts

8 expectativas del CIO sobre su partner tecnológico


¿Por qué elegir a Softeng?

Contamos con más de 12 años de experiencia en la nube de Microsoft que nos avalan como el aliado especialista en maximizar su poder, invirtiendo más de 2 millones de euros al año en I+D para ofrecerte soluciones propias, con el fin de que avances con seguridad en tus objetivos de negocio.