Integration of the new environment
with the central tenant

integración de la infraestructura con el tenant central
integración de la infraestructura con el tenant central

Achieve a reliable and secure integration process for your infrastructure

The process of merging or acquiring companies is very complex technologically, especially when it comes to integrating governance and infrastructure in the cloud from different environments, whether from Google, Amazon or another platform. Therefore, we accompany and advise you through our team of experts to make this process as simple and efficient as possible.

All this with the objective of guaranteeing a reliable migration process, the correct governance and architecture of the cloud infrastructure, in a secure manner, so that it is perfectly integrated and aligned in the corporate environment.


Minimizes the impact on business activity.

Regain control, governance and visibility of the entire environment.

Maintain security in the integration of assets into the corporate environment.

< 30

days of deployment of any solution


cases solved without escalating to Microsoft

< 1%

average turnover of our team of experts

8 expectativas del CIO sobre su partner tecnológico


¿Por qué elegir a Softeng?

Contamos con más de 12 años de experiencia en la nube de Microsoft que nos avalan como el aliado especialista en maximizar su poder, invirtiendo más de 2 millones de euros al año en I+D para ofrecerte soluciones propias, con el fin de que avances con seguridad en tus objetivos de negocio.