News5 September, 20132 min de lectura

Ready to move to the cloud and save thousands of dollars in the implementation

More and more companies looking for ways to cut costs. In this line, the cloud represents an opportunity to remove the burden of managing and maintaining computer systems, also avoiding the need to invest in hardware and software assets.

Office 365 helps you do all this, it is the productivity platform, hosted communication and collaboration in the cloud that Microsoft product groups the most successful in business and in their latest versions: Exchange (Messaging), SharePoint (intranets ) Lync (communication) and Office (office).


And now the implementation of Office 365 is faster and easier than ever. In the coming days we will talk about a new method of implementing Office 365, with which your company is ready to test the service and deploy Office 365 hours in days.

And here, the most important! Through partners with more deployments Office 365 among which is located Softeng, Microsoft offers your company the opportunity to benefit from a major grant for the implementation of the solution and save thousands of dollars on it.

Stay tuned and do not miss the opportunity to enjoy sooner the benefits of cloud services for your organization!

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