News18 November, 20121 min de lectura

Great success in the participation of Softeng in the ‘ Scrum Gathering Barcelona 2012 “

Softeng was invited to explain his experience on software development Agile in the international event which was held on October 3.

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In this talk, Carlos Colell, general director of the company and Christian Rodriguez, Scrum Master of our team of software development engineers, told our experience about how you could become a reality the application development of extreme complexity as our Portal Builder platform and how Agile Scrum methodology and techniques of Lean software development, were one of the keys to achieve this.


This methodology and techniques of software engineering that we use in the projects that we carry out, has become one of our secrets to offer customers excellence in software development tailored to any type and sector.


The major benefits offered by this methodology of software development are productivity, quality, cost reduction and irrigation.